What is White Collar Boxing?
White Collar is often mistaken to be any form of boxing that takes place outside is an amateur or professional context. Find out more here.

The only REAL blocks are cognitive! Part 1
Part 1 Introduction and Rationale Taekwon-do is a rich and varied martial art. As we know it's predominantly striking based and so it's...

Old School Sparring...A Case for Reflection
The Urban Dictionary defines ‘old school’ as: “Anything that is from an earlier era and looked upon with high regard or respect....”...

White Collar Boxing - Can Boxing Without Regulation Be Safe?
White Collar Boxing - Can Boxing Without Regulation Be Safe? A few weeks ago I stumbled over an article from The Guardian, published in...

What is white collar boxing? How does it fit in?
What is White Collar Boxing? How does it fit in? To the uniformed all boxing is the same. A game where two participants, wearing padded...

Boxing - is it just a sport or an effective method of personal defence?
In this article we are going to look at boxing as a method of personal defence and self protection. When people talk or consider boxing,...