Importance of Solo Training in Taekwon-do and other traditional martial arts
What is the value of Solo Training in Taekwon-do and other traditional martial arts?
What makes a great personal defence strategy ?
The subject and concept of personal defence is so vast its difficult to accurately define exactly what it is....
A Purpose in the Pattern
When introducing Taekwon-do to the world, Grandmaster General Choi Hong Hi detailed that the art comprised five key areas of practice...
Personal Defence Flow...
“Jeet Kune Do does not beat around the bush. It does not take winding detours. It follows a straight line to the objective. Simplicity is...
Mentality before technique...
Focus noun 1. the centre of interest or activity. "this generation has made the environment a focus of attention" 2. the state or quality...
Personal Defence Methodology - #3. DE-ESCALATION, DIVERSION and DISTRACTION
De-escalation strategies are used to prevent an emotionally charged situation from escalations where they become more severe, potentially...
Personal Defence Methodology - #1. AVOIDANCE
Our methodological approach to personal defence fits into 4 simple strategic responses: #1. Avoidance #2. Escape #3. De-escalation,...
Put your money where your mouth you really have a problem with commitment?
In conversations, when I tell people I teach martial arts, I often receive the reply, “That sounds brilliant...I have always wanted to...
Searching for Inspiration..where is it?!?
Undertaking anything starts with an idea. The journey begins with the first step, the novel starts with the first word or the symphony...
Make Predictions...Not Resolutions - A Guide to Inspirational Goal Setting
Everyone has goals. In life, work or family we all have aspirations and milestones we want to achieve. However all too often we fail to...